Museum of Natural Sciences Field Trip

Credit: DA teacher

This past week the 6th graders went to the Museum of Natural Sciences. They had an assortment of fossils, animals, statues, and interesting posters. When we got there we looked around at the posters. 

Then we made our way to the snakes. I had been fearing this part of the museum the entire morning. We made our way to the snake exhibit. Everyone in my class was so excited to see the live snakes. This was it, the moment I had mentally been preparing myself for. The way the snakes slither around and how big and dangerous they are just makes me dislike them a lot. Even the thought of them makes me terrified. While all of my classmates were looking at the snakes I decided to read the posters about them (to avoid seeing the snakes). Did you know there are around 3,000 different species of snakes? That makes me hate them even more.

Then the teacher instructed us to go to the next room. I put my hand to the side of my eye so I couldn’t see the snakes. Phew, I made it to the next room. Turns out the snake exhibit wasn’t so scary. The rest of the museum was full of very interesting facts. Overall, I really enjoyed this field trip!



  1. I like that you went into more detail about the part of the field trip that was the most important to you.

  2. I liked how you really put a lot of detail into the part with the snakes!

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